One of the building of the Main Campus in Besiktas where all my classes are Depending on your major, your classes could be on any of 3-5 campuses in Istanbul. |
Today onward the real "study" part of study abroad begins. But apparently here the syllabus day is not a very big deal. First week is the experimental where you can check if you like the class/professor/time/etc. and then the following week you could add/drop classes.
Ironically, one of my instructor emailed yesterday that he was going to lecture on the first class and that we were to be ready. So was I, ready, set and to go!! I had two classes today. One was his and the other was differential equation. His class went "full on" two hours. But the second class, she only taught around one of the two hours.
The view of Bosporus Bridge from the campus. You can see Asia in the picture. |
My semester here is supposed to be math intensive . I am taking THREE super hard math classes (according to my friend). I have one economics class which seems pretty tough as well as another gen ed. class. But that will come later. It would seems like a heavy load to any normal American student. But here, (I'm pointing to a group of students) some Turkish students usually take like 10-12 classes each semester. I was like........ Holy Cow!!
The cafe area where almost all students hang out when they are out of their classes. It is super difficult to find a seat here during 11-1PM hour. |
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